Police Custody

Events - Public

Starting 24 Sep 2014 - 10:20 through to 26 Sep 2014 - 02:27

Our national Police Custody Conference provides a crucial update on best practice in custody in the context of reduced budgets. With a keynote address from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP), this event offers a valuable insight into common findings in joint inspections of police custody to inform strategy and procedures in your force.Attend to hear from police forces that are leading the way in ensuring efficient and sustainable care. Do not miss this opportunity to takeaway learning on making custody a strategic priority that is consistently implemented to a high standard, in order to drive forward custody in your force.

Expert speakers:

  • Chair: Andy Ward, Deputy General Secretary, Joint Custody Lead, Police Federation of England and Wales
  • Keynote: Maneer Afsar, Team Leader, Custody Inspection Programme, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons
  • Rebecca Kidd-Stanton, Chief Inspector Head of Custody Services, Norfolk Constabulary and Suffolk Constabulary
  • Chris Bath, Chief Executive, National Appropriate Adult Network 
  • Sean Russell, Chief Inspector, Mental Health Lead, West Midlands Police
  • Simon Meegan, Custody Inspector, Cheshire Constabulary
  • Simon McKay, Solicitor-Advocate, Mckay Law Solicitors & Advocates

For more information:


Download the brochure:


Or contact:

Jack Ojari – jack.ojari@capita.co.uk  
