Seminar: Rediscovering Addiction and Recovery to Reduce Offending

Events - Public

Starting 11 Dec 2014 - 17:00 through to 11 Dec 2014 - 19:00

Created by


Mark Gilman

Criminologist and Strategic Recovery Lead

Public Health England

This free to attend seminar will focus on learning from ‘Gateways’. This is a programme designed to identify offenders whose criminal activity is driven by their addictions to drugs and alcohol and directs them towards abstinence based living in the 12 step fellowships of Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous.

The contemporary UK recovery movement is emerging as a form of social justice where working class addicts and alcoholics can fashion the kind of intervention usually reserved for doctors, dentists, lawyers and pilots.

If you would like to attend this free seminar, please email:

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