Key Issues in Local Government

Events - Public

Starting 08 Dec 2014 - 13:30 through to 08 Dec 2014 - 17:00

Please find attached a flyer for our forthcoming meeting on 8 December 2014, hosted jointly by IRRV Northern counties and Yorkshire & District Associations.

I’m thrilled to be able to welcome both Louise Freeth, Adrian Shooter and Vic Dockree as guest speakers for the day.

Louise is Change & Service Development Manager, Revenues & Benefits at Liberata.  She is also a member of IRRV National Council and has a distinguished career in local government.  Louise will be providing a paper on Local Council Tax Reduction Schemes as we approach year 3.

Adrian is Head of Performance & Development at DWP with an equally distinguished career in both local government and civil service.  Adrian will be addressing the seminar on the exceptionally topical issue of the Fraud & Error Reduction and Incentive Scheme (FERIS) announced on Monday 24 November 2014.

Vic Dockree is Finance and Overpayments Manager at Harrogate Council and President of the IRRV Yorkshire Association and will be doing a session on Universal Credit and issues with the roll-out in Harrogate, which has been a live site since February 2014.

Finally, we’ll be closing the afternoon with a workshop style session to spend some time considering some of the issues raised by the preceding sessions, to identify some of the key difficulties that will face local authorities in the forthcoming years.

Free to IRRV members

£30 for non IRRV members

Please contact the Secretary if you wish to attend:
