Evening Seminar: Offender Personality Disorder Pathway Programme

Events - Public

Starting 11 Mar 2015 - 17:30 through to 11 Mar 2015 - 19:30

Created by


Ian Goode

Joint Lead, Offender Personality Disorder Programme, National Offender Management Service


Sarah Skett A.F.B.Ps.S

Registered and Chartered Forensic Psychologist, NHS England Joint Lead, Offender Personality Disorder Programme


The Offender Personality Disorder Programme targets offenders who are high risk of future harmful offences, and who have complex needs.  It aims to reduce harmful reoffending, increase psychological health and wellbeing, and train staff to be better able to work with this challenging group of offenders.

In this seminar Ian and Sarah will describe the joint initiative between the National Offender Management Service and NHS England and how the programme is providing a jointly commissioned pathway of services from community to community.


To register for this free seminar, please email your full details to:


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