Academy evening seminar: Through the Gate Services

Events - Public

Starting 09 Jun 2015 - 18:00 through to 09 Jun 2015 - 20:00

Created by


Donna Yates

Assistant Chief Executive, Cheshire & Greater Manchester Community Rehabilitation Company


Sarah Cooke

Contract Manager, Shelter


As from 1 May ‘Through the Gate’ (TTG) resettlement services went live nationally and Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) are now delivering this service to virtually all prisoners.

In this seminar Donna will explain the legislative changes that came into force, what providers need to do with prisoners before their release and discuss the service arrangements in Cheshire and Greater Manchester. Donna will also address some key commissioning questions.

Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity, has been commissioned to help provide TTG services across Cheshire and Greater Manchester and Sarah will explain Shelter’s role within the new resettlement service.


If you would like to attend this free seminar, please email:

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