The next five years of criminal justice for England and Wales

Events - Public

Starting 20 Jul 2015 - 17:00 through to 20 Jul 2015 - 19:00

Created by


Professor Chris Fox

Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit

Manchester Metropolitan University


Professor Chris Fox

Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit

Manchester Metropolitan University

What will criminal justice policy look like in the next five years?

What broader trends in policy-making might influence the direction of travel?

What are the implications for

commissioners and providers in this context?

This free seminar will be led by Professor Chris Fox who will offer his thinking around these questions and then facilitate a general discusssion. Chris is Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit ( at Manchester Metropolitan University and has published extensively on criminal justice policy.


For further details and how to register please visit our Events section on our website.




Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building
Rosamund Street West
M15 6BH
United Kingdom