Effective De-commissioning: the flip side of effective commissioning

Events - Public

Starting 21 Oct 2015 - 17:00 through to 21 Oct 2015 - 19:00

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In this free seminar Chris will draw both on his research and his practical experience of de-commissioning. He will argue that the flip-side of effective commissioning is effective de-commissioning and set out a process for de-commissioning services. This will include how to make a business case for de-commissioning and how to manage different stakeholders in the de-commissioning process including service users and staff.


Chris O'Leary

Researcher at the Centre for Public Policy and Health

Durham University



Service commissioners regularly de-commission services. Sometimes this is done explicitly, sometimes it is the result of a decision to commission a different service from a new provider. Often the process of de-commissioning is a difficult one with a human cost attached and yet how to de-commission is a topic rarely covered in discussions about commissioning. 

In this free seminar Chris will argue that the flip-side of effective commissioning is effective de-commissioning. He will draw both on his research and his practical experience of de-commissioning to set out an effective process for de-commissioning services that is evidence-based, defensible and takes account of the human costs.  This will include how to make a business case for de-commissioning and how to manage different stakeholders in the de-commissioning process including service users and staff.


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