Sharing knowledge effectively across boundaries Webinar

Events - Public

Starting 23 Feb 2016 - 12:30 through to 23 Feb 2016 - 13:30

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  • Confused about knowledge management?
  • Want to find out how other organisations manage their knowledge?
  • Keen to know how your organisation could do it even better?

Knowledge management practices are notoriously difficult to standardise. Every project, every programme and every organisation is different – and what works in one place can be a disaster in another.

In this Knowledge SIG webinar we will hear three different case studies:

  • Michael - How social collaboration tools have changed the way we collaborate in the public sector.
  • Adrian - Application of agile to knowledge sharing: sprints, scrums, failing fast and the power of Trojan Mice.
  • Andy - Systematic approach to sharing knowledge across projects

    Having heard these three case studies, Martin will chair a Q+A session with the three speakers, with questions invited from the webinar audience.

At the end of the session delegates will have a better understanding of what Knowledge Management means in practice and will have some working examples of the way others manage knowledge in their environments.

Delegates will be able to re-think the way their own organisation could adapt its own knowledge practices.

This event is recommended for project, programme and portfolio professionals looking to develop their understanding of knowledge management beyond traditional approaches. 
