Project Management is from Mars, Knowledge Management is from Venus

Events - Public

Starting 01 Mar 2016 - 09:30 through to 01 Mar 2016 - 16:30

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Is Knowledge Management different within a Project environment?

If managing projects and managing knowledge sometimes don't seem very compatible, why is that? And where's their common ground?

Join us to hear and discuss some examples of how Knowledge Management and Project Management work in harmony.  

Share and hear about common challenges and how you might overcome them.

Would you like to join a problem-solving community of Project- and Knowledge- working professionals?
Tell us how this Community might look, and work, and help us to shape it.
We think this Community could be very helpful and will be all the more valuable with your involvement.

At this event, you'll see and hear:

  • Project Managers' views of Knowledge Management,
  • Knowledge Managers' views of Project Management, and
  • examples of knowledge management applied within different project environments.
Plus, there'll be open discussion of our intention to establish a 'Knowledge and Projects Community' and in particular what you would like to get out of the Community and how it should work.

As with all of our events, we'll also be encouraging plenty of interactive participation and building in time for conversation.

  • Tim Ellis and Liz Hobbs of Transport for London (TFL)
  • Judy Payne, Knowledge SIG
  • Steve Simister, Knowledge SIG
  • Adrian Malone, Knowledge SIG
  • Andy Wall, Knowledge SIG
This event is suitable for:
  • Project professionals, especially those wanting to find out more & engage with knowledge management.
  • Knowledge managers working in project environments. 


Holborn Bars
138-142 Holborn Lane
United Kingdom