Webinar: Influencing Change: Strategically

Events - Public

Starting 23 Mar 2016 - 10:30 through to 23 Mar 2016 - 11:30

Created by
David Morton - Inactive

Influencing Change - Strategically

Join us for a webinar on Mar 23, 2016 at 10:30 AM GMT.

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Speaker: Colin Gautrey, Gautrey Group

In this short webinar, Colin Gautrey (an expert on power and influence) will share his insights on how to survive and thrive in the political world of work. He will share with you some very practical frameworks, models and processes that you can use straight away to begin to make more progress. In particular, he will share with you his:

• Influential Leadership Framework: This helps to contextualise your purpose and make sure you focus on today, and tomorrow.
• Stakeholder Influence Process: Which will keep you focused on what matters most and ensure you keep asking the questions that will move you forward.
• Relationship Based Stakeholder Mapping Model: This tried and tested approach is a very simple way to prioritise who you need to be engaging with, and who you can move away from.
• Political Analysis Checklist: Essential intelligence gathering to make sure that you know how best to pitch things to your key stakeholders.

In combination, these will help you to move forward with greater confidence, speed and clarity. It will also show you how you can do this without losing your sense of integrity.

Colin has over 10 years’ experience of working with people to become more influential, to handle complex and political environment and ultimately, landing successful initiatives, including within the NHS in Scotland. So, the Q&A session at the end of the presentation should be fascinating.

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