Crisis at Christmas: How IT helps the homeless

Events - Public

Starting 31 Mar 2016 - 18:30 through to 31 Mar 2016 - 20:00

Crisis is a national charity for single homeless people dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life changing services and campaigning for change. For over 40 years Crisis at Christmas has provided companionship and support to tackle loneliness, isolation and help people take their first steps out of homelessness.

The Aimar Foundation was founded to help small to medium sized charities achieve their aspirations through the efficient implementation and utilization of technology and aims to provide access to the latest technology solutions, enabling a “step change” difference to the operating models of charities. 

Crisis at Christmas is the largest volunteer lead project in Europe with over 10,000 volunteers supporting 4,000 homeless and vulnerable visitors across 10 centres in London for a 9 day period. Together, Crisis at Christmas and the Aimar Foundation work in partnership to provision and deliver a temporary IT platform which is now integral to enabling Crisis to administratively operate its centres and deliver essential housing, education and employment services to their ‘guests’, alongside communications and entertainment.

This is a unique initiative delivered at a challenging time of the year, despite the significant constraints, dependencies and risks; where planning and harnessing our combined community of committed volunteers becomes critical to success. Find out more on March 31st 2016

For more information and to book please click here


Holborn Bars
138-142 Holborn
United Kingdom