Digital by default: Lessons for commissioning services in the digital age

Events - Public

Starting 05 Jul 2016 - 17:30 through to 05 Jul 2016 - 19:30

Created by


Joe Harland

Head of Visual Radio



In today’s digital world, organisations are faced with the challenges of engaging customers to use their services and improving customer experience through ever increasing use of digital media.

As Head of Visual Radio at the BBC, Joe knows all about these challenges and how to commission services to meet those needs. This seminar gives you the opportunity to learn the lessons from BBC Radio about connecting with your customers, how to use data to shape your output and tips on what quality is right for your digital audience.


Book your free seminar place here

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Please note you must be a member of the Academy to attend an event. 

Membership is free and details of how to join can be found on our website


Ministry of Justice HQ
102 Petty France
United Kingdom