LGA - ODI webinar 5 Creating data inventories and registering your data

Events - Public

Starting 22 Jun 2016 - 10:00 through to 22 Jun 2016 - 12:00

LGA - ODI webinar 5 Creating data inventories and registering your data 22nd June Book here  

This webinar will demonstrate in detail how to create an inventory to record and provide information about council’s datasets and fulfil the FOI requirements for an FOI publication schema. The session will also cover how to register and publish your data on data.gov.uk


Open Data Institute and LGA - Learning modules

Data publishing and data standards learning modules for Local Government


An easy way to learn about publishing data and using standards for local government has now been published. The Open Data Institute together with the LGA has developed three learning modules for supporting local authorities to publish data, improve the quality of data, and use common standards to be able to more easily share, combine and compare data for further use and analysis across authorities. Including case studies from councils demonstrating the benefits of data publishing and the use of standards. 

The Open Data Institute has hosted three webinars to date, all details and links to these can be found here, so you can watch them if you missed them. 
