Professional judgement: Knowledge SIG Courageous Conversation

Events - Public

Starting 27 Sep 2016 - 18:00 through to 27 Sep 2016 - 20:30

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We really need to talk about professional judgement: A Knowledge SIG Courageous Conversation event


As professionals, we are often asked to use our professional judgement to pick the ‘best answer’ to a problem with lots of potential solutions. But what does this mean?

What is professional judgement?

Eileen Roden and Judy Payne will lead a conversation to explore our understanding of professional judgement.  How is it developed?  Is it something that comes automatically with experience or do we need to work at it?  How is it used in decision making?  What impedes our professional judgement?  Is professional judgement ever wrong and if it is, what are the consequences?

This small, interactive and stimulating event will address these questions and explore our understanding of professional judgement.

Please don’t expect definitive answers. This event is one strand of a conversation that we hope will lead to different and better thinking, understanding, practice, and projects.

The event will be audio recorded and key points from the conversation used as the basis of a short animated whiteboard video, designed to stimulate wider discussion online. You can see videos from past Courageous Conversations on the APM YouTube Knowledge SIG - Courageous Conversations playlist.

We want to encourage a greater confidence in the APM community to talk freely and fearlessly about how to improve the practice of project management.

Are you brave enough to join in?

This evening conversation is suitable for project, programme and portfolio professionals who think beyond the template and want to improve the practice of project management.


For more information and to book please visit the APM events page here.


Saïd Business School
Park End Street
United Kingdom