Setting up a new collaborative operational model

Events - Public

Starting 20 Oct 2016 - 12:30 through to 20 Oct 2016 - 17:00

Many organisations have some form of collaborative operational model involving, for instance, a mix of public, private and academic partners, yet the setting up of such an organisation is often done despite the contract, rather than with the contract as an enabler.  Putting a new collaborative model in place requires, amongst other things, joined up thinking and skills in procurement, contracts and their management; development & implementation of systems, both in concept and in terms of IT requirements; and the cultural integration of the different parties and individuals who may come from different sectors with different values, skill sets and processes. How do you do this ? 
This interactive workshop type event, jointly held by the 
Enabling Change SIG and Contracts & Procurement SIG, will use participants' knowledge and experience to develop a White Paper identifying the key challenges and what to do about them.

For more information and to book click here


Hilton Reading
Drake Way
Berkshire RG2 0GQ
United Kingdom