Webinar: Benefits Tracking: After the dust has settled

Events - Public

Starting 19 Oct 2016 - 12:00 through to 19 Oct 2016 - 13:00

Created by
David Morton - Inactive

Benefits Tracking: After the dust has settled

Join us for a webinar on Oct 19, 2016 at 12:00 PM BST.

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Speaker: David Waller, Benefits Lead - Interoperability, NHS Digital

After the dust has settled

So, your project team are clearing their desks and departing to pastures new. What happens next? How do we track benefits in the long term and make sure that our projects deliver their intended value?

Benefits assurance is the process of monitoring progress towards benefits realisation and taking corrective action to keep on target. It should take equal priority with the project’s technical quality assurance. There is a strong argument for it to be more important.

This session will cover a brief case study of how benefits tracking is done now. It will look at some of the hurdles that hinder good tracking and will offer suggestions on how the measurement and tracking of benefits could be improved.

David Waller has twenty years’ experience in Benefits Management in the public sector. He is presently Benefits Lead on a national health informatics programme in the English NHS.

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