Webinar: Open Data Driving Social Impact

Events - Public

Starting 26 Oct 2016 - 10:00 through to 26 Oct 2016 - 11:00

Created by
David Morton - Inactive

Open data driving social impact

Join us for a webinar on Oct 26, 2016 at 10:00 AM BST.

Register now!


Speaker: Steven Revill, COO & Co-Founder, Urban Tide

The Scottish Government Open Data Strategy and Resource Pack outlines that open data initiatives can improve public sector service delivery and support innovation. This webinar will explore this potential and dig deeper into the possibilities for using open data to drive social impact.

Examples will come from across the globe where open data has been used for good. From Manchester where it has helped charities secure additional funding for defibrillators thus saving lives, to the use of open data in Nigeria to improve farming production, and closer to home where data about stalled spaces has supported renewable energy production and promoted community use.

As a recent poll in the UK indicates, developing new applications to support the community is the single most popular use of open data out performing the frequency in which it is used for new business opportunities or research. So join up to this webinar to understand why open data is driving social impact and how it could benefit your community.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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