Directing agile change

Events - Public

Starting 22 Feb 2017 - 18:00 through to 22 Feb 2017 - 20:00

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This event combines the presentation of the GOV SIG publication on the Governance of Agile Project Work and the operational embedding of Agile project delivery at NHS Business Services Authority.


We are pleased to have three speakers at this event. Roger Garrini from the APM Governance SIG, which exists to improve the governance of project management, will introduce the new Directing Agile Change Guide. He will present the rationale for the new guide and run through the highlights to emphasise the modified governance behaviour required. This will be followed by a presentation by Darren Curry and Anna Caine from the Portfolio Office at NHS Business Services Authority on their approach to and experience of the organisational implementation of agile project delivery.

For more information and to book your place please visit the APM event page here.


2 Brewery Wharf
Kendell Street
LS10 1JR
United Kingdom