Improving the effectiveness of communications webinar

Events - Public

Starting 11 Jul 2017 - 12:30 through to 11 Jul 2017 - 13:30

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Stakeholder communications can be complicated and challenging. However there are tools that can help to bring order and clarity to the process, enabling you to plan and deliver communications that are effective, efficient and evaluated.

The Government Communication Service (GCS) supports the work of 25 UK ministerial departments, 21 non-ministerial departments and over 300 agencies and other public bodies. The purpose of the GCS is to deliver world-class public service communications and in this webinar Jessica Pearce will talk about the approach used by government communicators to plan and deliver excellent stakeholder and internal communications campaigns.

Jessica Pearce is head of the campaigns and strategy team in the Prime Minister's Office. She is responsible for the success of all priority campaigns across government, including issues such as the economy, social reform, strengthening the Union through to national security and global trade. She has worked at the heart of some of the country’s biggest communications challenges and directed some of the UK’s biggest public information campaigns of modern times, such as the EU referendum.
She also leads on communications’ effectiveness, from overseeing government’s marketing spend, leading insight and research to the delivery of the annual Government Communications Plan.

Fran Bodley-Scott is a marketing and communication consultant with many years experience in internal and external communications. Her company, Marketing In Control, specialises in customer retention and stakeholder engagement solutions. Fran is an active member of the Stakeholder Engagement Focus Group, which is part of the APM People SIG.


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