Leeds Infection Prevention & Control

Events - Public

Starting 12 Jul 2017 - 09:00 through to 12 Jul 2017 - 17:00

Nearly a year on from the launch of NHS England’s Sepsis Action Plan much has been done, but the next wave of activity is already underway and further measures to help support healthcare professionals to recognise and treat sepsis early are expected over the course of the next year. 


In February 2017, working closely with NHSE, NHSI, and PHE, Knowlex brought together over 400 healthcare professionals in London to drill deeper into how these announcements could be developed into feet on the ground activities.


The themes for discussion and policy definitions included, gram-negative infection and e-coli, UTIs and Sepsis.


To ensure comprehensive national access to these vital potentially life-saving and educational programmes we have been asked to share the London learnings with those who were unable to join us in  the capital.


The themes from London will form the core agenda for our summer conference in Leeds this year. We will seek to bring together industry innovation, NHS best practice and case studies to present a truly interactive knowledge exchange.


To book your funded (Free) place online go to www.infectioncontrol2017leeds.co.uk and use discount code LEE17DPN or Email paul.anthony@knowlex.co.uk


If you have any questions please call 0161 696 4868.



Centenary Pavillion, Elland Road, Leeds
Low Fields Road
Yorkshire LS11 0ES
United Kingdom