Reading CL - UN SDG’s and climate change

Events - Public

Starting 11 Nov 2020 - 15:00 through to 11 Nov 2020 - 16:30

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UN SDG’s and climate change

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed by every country on the planet in 2015, provide a vision for “the future we want”. This is a future where people live in peace and prosperity on a healthy planet. The SDGs define an extraordinary agenda, nothing less than a transformation of society as we know it. To achieve the Goals will require contributions from all stakeholders – not just governments. Business, civil society, and ordinary citizens all have contributions to make.
In this session we will look more closely at how the Goals came into being and what they include. Why business and individuals should care about the Goals and how they can make a contribution to climate change.

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Facebook: @ethicalreading


Reading Climate Festival is a week-long programme of free events to inspire action on climate change, curated by Reading Climate Action Network.

Twitter: @ReadingCAN

Facebook: @ReadingCAN

