Leading to reduce inequalities: learning from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Events - Public

Starting 26 Jul 2021 - 15:30 through to 26 Jul 2021 - 16:30

To Register email Jack Pennell on j.pennell1@england.nhs.uk


To launch the new East of England Equality and Health Inequalities  Community of Improvement  we are inviting lo cal leaders in health and care to our first best practice webinar.  Hosted by PHE and NHS England this session will focus on distributional leadership, developing and implementing a local Health Inequalities Strategy and reflections from the leaders on addressing health inequalities.

Speakers include:

  • Paul Gavin, Deputy Director of Health Inequalities, NHS England and Improvement
  • John Ford, Clinical Lecturer in Public Health
  • Fiona Head, Medical Director at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG
  • Alex Gimson, Clinical Communities Chair, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Join us to hear, share and learn from colleagues across the East of England on how they developed, adopted and implemented successful approaches to addressing health inequalities.

This is the first in our series of Community of Improvement events designed to:

  • Promote long-term equity-focused organisational change in the East of England.
  • Drive and develop data-driven and evidence-based approach to health inequalities and equalities.   
  • Facilitate collaborative working, co-production, baseline assessments, best practice and shared learning in the East of England.

