Project Data Academy Nov Cohort

Events - Public

Starting 23 Nov 2022 - 09:00 through to 23 Nov 2022 - 19:42

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Project professionals have 2 paths to follow.

1. A conventional career path.

2. A new path that unlocks the power of data, providing you with superpowers to outperform your peers.

Will project professionals need to be conversant in data, how to manipulate and extract insights from it? Or should they rely on others. Will they need to understand:

  • How to integrate it across the supply chain and contract for it.

  • How to leverage the experience from previous projects.

  • When to trust the data. When to trust the insights.

  • How to align the data with the problems that we aspire to solve.

  • How to apply data analytics in emergent environments.

  • How to use data to shape interventions, how to invest contingency, how to pre-empt variance (cost, schedule, change etc).

We envisage 2 possible scenarios:

1. You want to be part of this future. A project professional with data driven superpowers who can make better decisions, more quickly. You leverage the rich seam of data from other projects. You remove the tedious parts of your role on double down on the interesting, higher value added parts.

2. You rely on others and hope that your role stays the same. You want the data part of the role to be performed by a data person. Or maybe you rely on a suite of software products. You reflect on what this role will look like if the process, analytics and insights part of the job are removed?

Who will outperform? Who will be in greatest demand? Where will the higher value roles exist?

Does becoming upskilled in data driven project delivery hedge against the risk of becoming obsolete? You command your destiny rather than being a passenger.  

What about if you could offset this risk for nothing? For free? Get involved in the next cohort of the Project Data Academy starting on 23 November 2022, working with some of the leading minds on the subject.

Why wouldn't you? 

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