Coaching's Impact on Social Exclusion: Measuring hearts and minds

Events - Public

Starting 09 Jan 2018 - 17:00 through to 09 Jan 2018 - 19:00

Created by


Clare McGregor

Founder / Managing Director I Coaching Inside and Out (CIAO)


In this free seminar Clare will share how commissioners are supporting a new service to provide life coaching for men, women and young people in our prisons and communities to improve their own lives and the lives of others. The concept for this service has evolved since a Google search in 2010 showed that no other organisations were offering this service anywhere in the world and the charity now encourages others to use coaching internationally for people who face significant inequalities.

Clare will also lead a debate about the difficulties of evaluating the impact of any one human intervention on improved social and / or criminal justice outcomes.

This seminar will be relevant to anyone providing or commissioning similar services in many situations.


This event will be held at Manchester Metropolitan University. Please see the seminar flyer for further details or to request your free seminar place please book here

Please note we are trialling Eventbrite as our online booking system. If you experience any difficulties please email

PLEASE NOTE that you must be an Academy member in order to attend any events. Membership and services are freeregister to join the Academy here.




Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building
Rosamund St West
M15 6BH

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