Transformational Change for People with Complex Needs

Events - Public

Starting 11 Jan 2018 - 17:00 through to 11 Jan 2018 - 19:00

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Transformational Change for People with Complex Needs: Whole Systems for Whole People


Gary Wallace │ Public Health Specialist │ Plymouth City Council


Responses to people with complex needs have traditionally been linear, delivered in silos and experienced by service users as an endless cycle of hand offs and exclusions. Plymouth’s co-productive journey has helped them understand the role commissioning has played in setting these problems, the mismatches and misunderstandings between services and the ways these have conspired to deny people the interventions they need.

In this free seminar Gary will discuss their co-production processes and some of their finding and share lessons learned and some interesting points, including alliance approaches to contracting. Finally, Gary will offer examples of how Plymouth are creating a new, inclusive culture together.


This event will be held at the Burges Salmon offices in Glass Wharf, Bristol. For further details please see the event flyer or to request your free seminar place please book here.

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PLEASE NOTE that you must be an Academy member in order to attend any events. Membership and services are freeregister to join the Academy here.


Burges Salmon
One Glass Wharf

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