Introduction to AI assurance

Créé par:  Magnus Smidak
Dernière mise à jour: 17 avr. 2024

The UK government's "Introduction to AI Assurance" emphasizes the importance of developing and deploying AI technologies in a safe, responsible manner, highlighting efforts to establish guidelines and an AI assurance ecosystem to ensure AI's benefits are fully realized while mitigating potential risks. 

The "Introduction to AI Assurance" document outlines the UK government's approach to ensuring artificial intelligence (AI) is developed and deployed responsibly, focusing on the creation of an AI assurance ecosystem. AI assurance is essential for maintaining public trust, encouraging industry investment, and ensuring regulatory compliance. The document details the UK's strategy, including establishing the world’s first state-backed organisation for AI safety and promoting a thriving AI assurance market, akin to the UK’s cyber security industry. It aims to demystify AI assurance for organizations, emphasizing the need for active coordination across the economy and providing guidance to navigate the complex landscape, especially for SMEs. The introduction is part of a series aiming to upskill organizations in AI assurance and governance amid rapid advancements in AI technology and growing public awareness.

Category: Data maturity Data maturity » Leadership and strategy Data maturity » Governance and compliance