Data Talks - Maximising Impact with Effective Data Outputs

Created By:  Magnus Smidak
Last updated: 09 May 2024

The session emphasized the importance of creating impactful data outputs by ensuring they are easily accessible, user-friendly, and convey significant insights, underlining the power of storytelling and visual clarity in data presentation.

Staff from Essex County Council explored strategies for maximizing the impact of data analysis work within the public sector. They stressed the necessity for data outputs to be easily found, comprehensively used, and to clearly communicate crucial messages to drive actionable insights. Through a blend of personal experience and expert advice, the session covered practical approaches to enhance data visualization, storytelling, and audience engagement. Highlighting the common hurdles analysts face, such as overwhelming data presentation and lack of audience engagement, the discussion provided valuable solutions, including streamlining access to data, employing effective design and colour usage, and crafting compelling narratives around data. This resource is pivotal for public sector data analysts seeking to elevate the influence of their work, ensuring it not only reaches but also resonates with the intended audience, prompting informed decision-making.

Category: Data maturity Data maturity » Skills and capability Data maturity » Systems and tools