Entries with tag local government .

wrote a new blog post
22 Apr 2016 - 15:03
Three words come to mind as I reflect on this year's Socitm Spring conference: innovation, transformation and people. What you'll notice from those three words is that they don't include technology. That's because a key theme was the technology as the enabler, not the solution.  If you've ever read any previous blogs of mine, you'll realise that this is a theme that's dear to my heart.... See more
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wrote a new blog post
21 Mar 2016 - 10:26
It was my pleasure and privilege to be invited to present a walkthrough of the Knowledge Hub to some of our new UDiTE network members in Malaga, Spain, this weekend. As well as being welcomed into the group as a friend, it was great to meet colleagues involved in public services from all over Europe.   ... See more
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wrote a new blog post
10 Jul 2015 - 15:56
Yesterday saw me battling my way across London despite the tube strike, to head up to Birmingham for CommsCamp15. It was well worth the effort, as I found myself inspired and enthused by the conversations. Congratulations to Dan Slee, Darren Caveney and Emma Rodgers and all the other supporters for a really well organised day. It’s hard to pick out key highlights of the day – aside from the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
15 Jun 2015 - 10:33
During the Second World War Bletchley Park was Britain’s best kept secret and home to an incredible list of codebreaking and game-changing achievements that, it is said, shortened the length of the war by two years. Recently I’ve been reading a fascinating book about the women of Bletchley Park and their stories. As well as opening my eyes to the work of Bletchley Park, it’s made me draw some... See more
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