
Maintenance release 6.3 scheduled for tonight

I thought an update on what would be included in tonights maintenance release would be useful for those who are interested.


In terms of email:

  1. message notifications will be switched on so you will know immediately when you receive a message from another user
  2. reply by email on forums will be enabled so you don't even have to touch the web interface to take part in discussions
  3. emailing of blogs enabled so you can use email to blog on the system (there's an email address at the top of your blog page that's unique to you)

What's maybe not obvious from point 1. above is that this will allow facilitators to contact all members by email via the internal messaging system. So unless people actively turn them off, you will be able to message tham and they will receive an email alert with the content. We hope this is a workable compromise to giving access to personal email addresses and allows people to opt out if they wish.

Other changes include:

  • password rule will be adjusted to require 8 characters only (removing the need to include a number and a capital letter)
  • some adjustments to notifications to tidy them up and make them more usable

Please let us know if there are any issues with anything mentioned here or any other feedback you might have via the user feedback forum on Knowledge Hub.


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Thank you for posting this. It's super useful.