
Atlas of dementia care published

A new dementia atlas, published by the government, shows NHS care for the condition across England. The atlas maps five themes of care - prevention, diagnosis, support, living with dementia and end of life care - using benchmarks for each. For example, every person living with dementia should have an annual check-up to review their care needs.

Regional variation in population density and age could explain some of the differences, but not all, say dementia charities.

Dementia Atlas: Putting a focus on dementia

In England, 676,000 people live with dementia, a figure which will soar over the next forty years. This map sets out what is currently known about dementia care and support across the country, based on available national data. The data is grouped in themes based on NHS England’s well dementia pathway which serves as a framework to ensure people with dementia have a better experience of health and social care support from diagnosis through to end of life. In the 'Indicators' panel you'll find a range of data supporting our themes of 'Preventing well', 'Diagnosing well', 'Supporting well', 'Living well' and 'Dying well'.

For more information on dementia you may find the following links to other sites useful:

Alzheimer Society
Dementia Friends
PHE Fingertips tool
Joint Dementia Research
Prime Minister's challenge on dementia 2020
Challenge on dementia 2020: implementation plan
Well dementia pathway
Post-diagnostic dementia care and support
Map of care home ratings in England


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