
New MyNHS transparency site now live

MyNHS aims to bring together data from across the health and care system to improve transparency.

The website is a joint project between the Department of Health, NHS England, Public Health England (PHE), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). The site will be developed and improved over time by gathering feedback from users. MyNHS will link to existing data that has already been published on:

  • patient safety
  • efficiency
  • quality
  • public health
  • social care commissioning
  • hospital food standards

There is a feedback button on every page so that suggestions from the health and care sector can help improve the data and metrics over time. More data from clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), GP practices, clinicians and mental health trusts will be added at a later date. Clinicians, managers, patient groups and campaigners will be able to use the data to highlight the best performing areas and improve standards through competition and transparency.

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