
Winter pressures – monthly data on delayed transfers of care available in LG Inform

LG Inform presents you with up-to-date published data about your local area and council, to help you review and compare performance with other authorities. All local authority staff can register and use the LG Inform report writing tools. All published measures in LG Inform can be viewed without signing in, as can some published reports. These include a report on all measures in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework. Monthly data on delayed transfers of care has recently been added to LG Inform, including:

along with a breakdown of days delayed by the main reason for delay.

Please find below links to two reports on delayed transfers of care available through LG Inform – both are public so don’t need a login. All the data available in these reports is published on the NHS England website, but viewing the measures through LG Inform gives a bit more flexibility in viewing an area compared to others and over time.

The first provides a summary of some of the key measures for delayed transfer. When viewing the report you can select an authority and a comparison group. The second report is designed to help users find all the measures available in LG Inform for delayed transfer. When viewing the report online by using the links through the titles for each measure you can viewan 'in-detail' report for that measure.


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