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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Dropped kerbs and planning permission

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Dropped kerbs and planning permission

I would be most grateful for clarification on whether householder or full planning permission is needed for the creation of a vehicular access / dropped kerb onto a classified road from a dwelling.  My understanding is that full pp is needed because the red line must extend to and include the kerb, hence it would be outside of the residential curtilage and could not be a householder.  I wondered if officers could let me know their thoughts and how they typically approach this?

Many thanks

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Dropped kerbs and planning permission

From what I have seen, different authorities apply different rules to this. Some accept a Householder application, where as others insist on full planning for the reasons you have described.
Nigel Hancock, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Dropped kerbs and planning permission

New Member Posts: 14 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

Whilst this isn't a definitive answer the Planning Portal includes it within its list of items that would constitute a householder application when looking at the fee requirements: 

- includes garages, outbuildings, dormer windows, garden walls or new/altered access to the residence (excludes flats)