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Statement of Community Involvement

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Statement of Community Involvement

I would like to seek some advice in relation to the public consultation requirements for the Statement of Community Involvement.

The regulations are clear that the SCI is no longer a Development Plan Document and therefore does not require submission to SoS and examination in public. However, the regulations are unclear as to whether public consultation is required?

I initially thought that - because the SCI is a Local Development Document - it requires 6 week public consultation; however, upon having a further look at the relevant Acts (e.g. Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), Localism Act 2011, Local Planning Regulations 2012),  I’m not sure whether it really needs public consultation or not? 

If there is anyone that has looked into this before, or sought some legal advice, I would greatly appreciated information on this.


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Statement of Community Involvement

I took one of my authority's updated  SCI to Cabinet last night (East Hampshire) - we did a six week consultation on it; whilst there might be interpretations on whether you need to do so or not  it just must be right that you consult on the SCI! - You will be using it at Examinations and for Planning Application challenges and so you must need to show you consulted.
Lisa Walton, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Statement of Community Involvement

Enthusiast Posts: 30 Join Date: 15/09/14 Recent Posts

I have the same question Andrea.  I have recently updated our SCI to reflect the change in approach back to Local Plan.  It was focussed on the stages we had previously identified to produce a Core Strategy but as we didn't get far enough along we are now back to a Local Plan approach.  I have significantly slimmed down the SCI and though it would require a minimum 6 week consultation period but I've not managed to find out what exactly the consultation requirements are.

I agree with Andrew that this should be the minimum requirement as in effect you are explaining how you consult the public on planning matters.  I don't see how you can change this without telling people you are going to be changing it. If that makes sense?