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Use Classes query-Tattoo and Beauty salons

Nigel Scollin, modified 29 Days ago.

Use Classes query-Tattoo and Beauty salons

New Member Posts: 19 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

Before the revision of the Use Classes Order in 2020 any proposed use of a property to either a beauty salon or tattoo studio was considered as a Sui Generis Use and therefore required permission.

Class E states that it includes '...any other services which it is appropriate to provide in a commercial, business or service locality'.  I'd be interested to read whether people think that Beauty Salons and Tattoo Studios now fall under Class E, and if not, why not?

Do you consider such uses as Sui or Class E?



Ahsan Ghafoor, modified 28 Days ago.

RE: Use Classes query-Tattoo and Beauty salons

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 20/05/24 Recent Posts

My personal opinion is such a use now falls under Class E which is fairly wide-ranging. Class E covers activity the character of which falls within a commercial, business and service type of use. Nail bars can fall under (iii) any other services which it is appropriate to provide in a commercial, business or service locality, but depends on the nature of the activity. You'll also need to consider if the use is a service principally to visiting members of the public...(iii) "approriate to provide..." in a commercial, business or service locality and each element must be satisfied before the use falls within Class E(c)(iii). I think there may be some guidance available in the PPG.

richard white, modified 27 Days ago.

RE: Use Classes query-Tattoo and Beauty salons

Advocate Posts: 218 Join Date: 26/11/18 Recent Posts

Don't forget the basics. A change of use is only development requiring planning permission when it is a material change of use. Changes within a use class are deemed 'not development' but this does not necessarily mean that all other changes are necessarilly material. So case-by-case the real question is not whether a generic 'nail bar' falls within Class E, but whether a specific proposed use in a specific premises would be a material change of use of that premises.