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Home extensions and planning

Herko Darbinis, modified 7 Months ago.

Home extensions and planning

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 20/06/24 Recent Posts

Hello everyone,

I'm considering a loft extension for my home in London and I'm trying to understand the current legislation and planning permission requirements. I've heard that the rules can be quite specific and vary depending on the borough.

Do I need planning permission for a loft extension in London, or can it fall under permitted development?

Thanks in advance for any advice or insights!

Best regards,

Herko Ltd.

richard white, modified 7 Months ago.

RE: Home extensions and planning

Advocate Posts: 229 Join Date: 26/11/18 Recent Posts


This is very much a conversation you need to have with the Planning team in the Borough where your property is - but there is some general gudiance here you might want to read as well


nicholas waring, modified 7 Months ago.

RE: Home extensions and planning

Enthusiast Posts: 32 Join Date: 21/01/12 Recent Posts
ello everyone,

Have you had any luck following Richard's advice and contacted the Planning team in the Borough where your property is?

they will probably refer you to their pre-application service for a fee.

was the general gudiance link here any use to you?

Let me know and I'll see if I can help further.

Herko Ltd appears to be a building company.

You will need planning permission for a loft extension in London, if it does not comply with permitted development rules.

Best regards,

Moses David Motzen, modified 7 Months ago.

RE: Home extensions and planning

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 19/12/23 Recent Posts

Hi All 


It is straightforward, if you live in a house in which the whole house is one family unit then the rules of Permitted Development apply, However, if it is not a single-family house the rule of permitted Development does not apply. 


You can send me the address and I will advise you. 

richard white, modified 7 Months ago.

RE: Home extensions and planning

Advocate Posts: 229 Join Date: 26/11/18 Recent Posts

Unless it's a post 1948 house which might be subject to restrictive conditions on its original planning permission, or it's a Listed Building, and in London there is an increased likelihood of an Article 4 direction compared to elsewhere, and probably some other things I've forgotten

nicholas waring, modified 7 Months ago.

RE: Home extensions and planning

Enthusiast Posts: 32 Join Date: 21/01/12 Recent Posts
Curiously no comments from Herko Darbinis
If this a genuine enquiry or not?