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NPPF Economoic Development Assessment

Tracy Wigzell, modified 9 Years ago.

NPPF Economoic Development Assessment

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts
Hi we are currently reviewing our evidence base in light of a full plan review. I was wondering whether there are any examples of authorities undertaking or considering undertaking a fully combined ED assessment in line with the wider definition of the NPPF or continuing with a collection of individual studies such as the classic ELR and Retail studies? Any advice/views?
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: NPPF Economoic Development Assessment

The Initial Findings into the Horsham Local Plan (Horsham District Planning Framework) published 19 December 2014 identified a discrepancy between employment and housing projections – described as a significant flaw in the evidence base used to justify the submitted housing figure. 


Projections were as set out in a joint Economic Growth Study (April 2014), a joint SHMA 2009 & a joint Locally Generated Housing Needs Study Update (Sept 2012).

Horsham DC are addressing the issue by commissioning the respective consultants to provide housing and employment demand assessments for Horsham based on the  ONS population projections 2014 and anticipate the release of CLG household projections.  Latest suggestions would have us understand these are to be published on or around 28 March.

A  resumed Horsham Hearing will commence in July or thereabouts following publication and consultation on further major Modifications substantiated in this revised, aligned and up to date evidence base.  The respective consultants preparing the updates will be working together on this.

Crawley BC - one of the other parties in the joint evidence - is due to publish updates to the employment and housing evidence for Crawley prior to the opening of Hearings into the Crawley Local Plan on 17 March.

Starting 'de novo' with one rolled up totally integrated document to cover housing, employment, retail need  - may have practical commissioning and supervisory issues over the selection,  range and depth of consultancy expertise, performance etc.  

The Inspectorate, as exemplified by Inspector Salter, are currently showing some pragmatism by being willing to not rule outright approaches which may not now be "conventional" (para. 6) as set out in Guidance so as to avoid having to start back at Square One!

In time however with NPPG ID: 2a  having been on record since 06 03 2014   it is reasonable to expect the evidence base for Housing, Employment etc to be fully integrated at an earlier stage.  Not necessarily by using the one set of consultant contractors but possibly by specification on agreement on which published data sources to use, joint liaison and progress meetings chaired by the commissioning body etc. 

On the client side familiarity and skills in being totally unambiguous about setting specifications, consultancy management and achieving useable outputs for Local Plan purposes will become even more important! 

Philip James, Planning Consultant to HDC