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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

RE: LDOs on brownfield land - government proposals

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

LDOs on brownfield land - government proposals

Yesterday the government published two things: 

a) Invitiation to bid for funds to support LDOs on brownfield land

b) Proposals to incentivise LDOs/pps on brownfield land - requirements on local authorities to identify brownfield land that accords with the NPPF definition but which is also deliverable, free of constraint, capable of development and of supporting five or more dwellings. And potential designation in 2017 if LPAs don't have 50% of their brownfield land suitable for housing under an LDO or pp. Then in 2020, designation if 90% is not covered. You need to read this.

Views welcome..............LGA waiting to hear from you.


Steve Wilson, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: LDOs on brownfield land - government proposals

New Member Posts: 10 Join Date: 11/06/13 Recent Posts

Not sure how Local Authorities are expected to fund this with all the additional work involved to identify all developable brownfield sites on a rolling basis at the same time as losing fees due to the LDOs brought in. 

Hope this suggestion disappears in the midst of the election and whoever gets elected. We're struggling enough to get plans through with less staff without being threatened with special measures if we don't 'ready package' brownfield housing sites for developers.