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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Building under Permitted Development and planning permission together

Former Member, modified 6 Years ago.

Building under Permitted Development and planning permission together

I am planning to construct a rear single storey extension. Part of it will be under permitted development to the rear and part under planning permission on the side of the rear PD. In the planning doc, the part under PD will be lounge, and the side under PP is a separate utility. Now i'd like to construct the two parts together without the wall separating the two lounge and utility. This will allow me to install the kitchen instead. Is it possible for me to do that? How would the planning department and building control be involved in the process. Should i have to construct the wall (side wall of rear PD) first then demolish or i may get away with not constructing it at all?