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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Policies Map - still 1991 Act?

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Policies Map - still 1991 Act?

Can someone please confirm that the legal requirement to prepare a Policies Map stems from the 1990 Act, as amended by the 1991 Act, s36(6) (text set out below), or has this been replaced? I'm aware of the 2012 Regs setting out more details on the Policies Map, but am seeking confirmation of the Act which requires the Policies Map in the first place. Is it this?

Second (for a bonus point) where is it explicitly stated that the minerals and waste allocations etc need to be on a district Policies Map...or is this just covered by the need for a map illustrating the policies of the development plan, which obviously includes M&W. I seem to recall, but can't find, explicit text clarifying this.



A local plan shall also contain—

(a)a map illustrating each of the detailed policies; and

(b)such diagrams, illustrations or other descriptive or explanatory matter in respect of the policies as may be prescribed,

and may contain such descriptive or explanatory matter as the authority think appropriate.
