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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Submitting to Examiner

Lorna Coldicott, modified 9 Years ago.

Submitting to Examiner

New Member Posts: 19 Join Date: 12/08/13 Recent Posts

Sorry, this didn't save my message first time around, so please look again if you can help!

When submitting the pre submission consultation responses to the Examiner, is it necessary to include a table setting out a summary as one would for a Council led consultation (PAS seems to support this approach), or is it sufficient to simply pass the responses straight to the Examiner as they are? The regs suggest the latter approach, but in practice LPAs appear to be submitting a table summarising responses. It will prove to be a very resource hungry process if we need to present the responses in a table given that several are at the same stage in our district.

Additionally, does anyone have an example of a pro-forma that they used for respondents to complete at this stage of the process please or did you allow consultation responses in just any format?

Thanks and sorry for the earlier technical problems

Jo Witherden, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Submitting to Examiner

Enthusiast Posts: 33 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts
You are required to publish (at a later stage in the process) a summary of representations submitted to the examiner - so we took the decision to do it earlier to be helpful to both the examiner and parish council.  But as you say it doesn't appear to be a legal requirement at this stage.
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Submitting to Examiner

At the PAS neighbourhood planning event in Leeds  last week we talked a bit about how to treat responses to the consultation. The  examinerspeaking at the workshop, Chris Collinson, said that the NP examiner would certainly want to read each response in full, so they do have to be passed over "au natural".  However he also said that he found it extremely useful to have the LPA's summary at hand as a way of simply keeping track of the issues.  My advice therefore is to have a chat with your appointed examiner and ask what format would suit him/her best in the lead up to the examination.