Self-build and the use of legal agreements - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
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Started - July 2012
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Self-build and the use of legal agreements
Helen Bagge, modified 2 Months ago.
Self-build and the use of legal agreements
New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 25/07/16 Recent Posts
Does anyone had experience of using a condition or UU/S016 to ensure the development complies with the self-build definition?
Faye Smith, modified 2 Months ago.
RE: Self-build and the use of legal agreements
New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Our officers raised the exact same query yesterday! We too would be interested to hear what others are doing.
Many thanks, Faye
Anthony Stephenson, modified 2 Months ago.
RE: Self-build and the use of legal agreements
New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 22/01/24 Recent Posts
Although I have not had any legal advice on the matter, my current view is that, as BNG is covered by the statutory condition, and not a condition on the local decision notice, then it is a matter than can be enforced against if an applicant says it's a self-build but then does not implement as a self-build. Would the UU not be duplicating the condition? I appreciate , though, that the UU can go further than the condition.