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Caravan in aonb

Alys Chaplin, modified 1 Month ago.

Caravan in aonb

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 02/01/25 Recent Posts
Caravan in aonb
Evan Owen, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

New Member Posts: 8 Join Date: 26/04/16 Recent Posts

Not enough information to make a decision on the way forward. Also think this is the last place to ask and include your name.

Alys Chaplin, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 02/01/25 Recent Posts

Apologies my name is in the original post. What further information would you like . 

Why do you think it's the last place to ask 

Ted Slevin, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

Enthusiast Posts: 45 Join Date: 24/01/17 Recent Posts

The reason you should not have disclosed your name when asking such a question on this site is because the majority of the site’s users are enforcement officers and planning department staff, The subject is extreemy complicated and for example if you had kept up your advertising on Airbnb you would have compromised your application.  As its stands so long as you drop any idea of renting the caravan out, this will put you in a beter position for having a positive outcome.

In replying to you, I will be mindful that others are watching.

Some General Pointers:

  1. Caravan Rentals:
    Renting out your caravan within your curtilage on Airbnb is considered a planning violation. Unless you have been doing this continuously for over 8 to 10 years, you should stop immediately.

  2. Advertising:
    Ensure the caravan is not advertised online, as planning authorities actively search for such listings.

  3. Replacing the Caravan:
    Once you have removed the listing, I suggest writing to the planning authority to inform them of your intention to replace the caravan with another.

  4. Compliance with the Caravan Act:
    You cannot replace the caravan with anything that does not comply with the Caravan Act. Be cautious about claims from lodge sellers who may suggest that a product without wheels does not need planning permission.

  5. Lodges and Misconceptions:
    Many lodge builders mistakenly believe that if the lodge can be dragged around the site, it qualifies as a caravan. This misconception arises from the loose interpretation of recent legislation. However, this loose wording has not yet been tested in court, and planning authorities are keen to find a clear-cut case to challenge this—potentially at your expense.

  6. Definition of a Caravan:
    The legal definition of a caravan is readily available on government websites. Ensure that anything you replace your current caravan with meets this definition and has wheels.

  7. Establishing the Existing Caravan’s Legality:
    I suggest you ask whether it is acceptable before placing something new on the site. If you replace the caravan before establishing that the existing one is legal, it may be difficult to prove that it is simply a replacement. You may be asked to complete a lawful development application. While you can do this to be perfectly safe, it gives them an opportunity to say no, which could set you back considerably. Instead, ask in general terms whether your interpretation of the legislation is correct—that you can have a caravan in your curtilage for personal family use only.

  8. Curtilage Interpretation:
    The curtilage of your property is subject to wide interpretation. It does not necessarily mean all the land you own. For example, your curtilage could end at a line of trees on your land, even if the boundary extends beyond that point.


email me at for further infomation



Richard Crawley, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

Expert Posts: 258 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts
Ted Slevin:

the majority of the site’s users are enforcement officers and planning department staff, who will always err on the side of denial when it comes to anything you propose.


Hello Ted - your advice is sound but you are being rude. If you continue to paint enforcement officers as pantomime villains intent on stopping anyone achieve anything I'm afraid I will step in. It's just not true, and I won't allow this disrepect. Richard PAS. 




Ted Slevin, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

Enthusiast Posts: 45 Join Date: 24/01/17 Recent Posts

My humble  apologies, It was much to strong a statement  I have replaced the statement 

If you are still concerned I will delete it all together


Thanks for pointing this out.

And thanks for the encoragent about the advise itself.  Its a very complicated subject and the average family who wants to put a caravn in their  home is ususly not the one who can through lots of consultancy  money at the problem.  So as I am retired I answer these question free of charge to the best of my abilaty



Richard Crawley, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

Expert Posts: 258 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts
Ted thank you very much. I appreciate the effort you go to - please carry on. Richard
richard white, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Caravan in aonb

Advocate Posts: 229 Join Date: 26/11/18 Recent Posts

I would just like to add a gentle and moderate note from an informal Local Authority perspective for anyone considering spending money to improve their property (with an AirBNB caravan or anything else)

Every choice comes with risks and consequences. If you decide to spend thousands of pounds on your project and consciously try to hide something from your local council please don't complain about how much money you spent if or when the council takes action.

But also don't assume that being discovered means your council will need to take action. Please remember that the vast majority of planning applications are approved, not refused, so please don't be mislead into thinking that a council saying 'permission is required' means 'you probably won't get permission'.

Whatever choices you make, please do them with your eyes open

Happy New Year everyone