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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Agricultural Land - PDL

Paula Fitzgerald, modified 6 Years ago.

Agricultural Land - PDL

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 31/05/18 Recent Posts

I’m hoping someone can clarify the NPPF glossary for PDL.

I have an application for the creation of a new dwelling on the site of an existing tyre storage building . A change of use from agricultural to tyre store was approved in 2000. The building still has an agricultural appearance and has not altered, it is proposed that the building will be demolished and a new residential property put in its place (much smaller footprint).  Even though permission was granted for the change of use from agriculture to tyre store in the past, is the site still classed as agricultural land and therefore cannot qualify for PDL under the NPPF glossary.