PAS Conference 2018 hand-outs - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
PAS Conference 2018 hand-outs
Richard Crawley, modified 6 Years ago.
PAS Conference 2018 hand-outs
Expert Posts: 256 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent PostsIn July 2018 we held out PAS conference in Milton Keynes. To support our work we made some hand-outs based on current sets of planning statistics. These files were used to make these handouts (they were trimmed and adjusted to fit on sheets, but the data is the same).
In case they are helpful more generally, I am putting them here. Note that they represent a snapshot in time, so will go out of date as soon as another quarter of data is published or the HDT results published in November.
There are three files - one each for DM 'speed' and 'quality' and a new one prepared by LGA colleagues as model for HDT.
The HDT model comes with some caveats - see the PAS conference page on our main website for a slide deck which explains some of the judgements we've had to make.