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RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Rhian Williams, modified 9 Years ago.

Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

I have read and re-read the ministerial statement from a few weeks ago and am still finding it unclear so I’m hoping to hear others interpretations might help hammer the issues out!

Now the Deregulation Act has royal ascent, does this mean that the Code is dead for all but legacy cases that already received planning permission before 26th March? My reading is that we can at least still apply elements of the Code relating to water and energy (provided this does not exceed Code 4 equivalent) in the transition period until this is incorporated into Building Regs in 2016, if this is correct has anyone thought about what mechanism can be used to ensure these standards are adhered to in the absence of code assessors/certification?

Also the focus of the announcement was on residential buildings, my understanding is that the ability to require BREEAM for non-domestic buildings is unaffected but I’d be interested to hear if I had got that wrong!

The GLA have clarified that they intend for the London Plan energy targets to stand until the introduction of zero carbon in 2016 and have revised their energy assessment guidance for developers in case this is useful to London Boroughs:

I'd certainly be interested to know what others' thoughts are and if any boroughs have published a statement on how they will be applying their policies in light of the announcement.

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards


I'm drafting some guidance following the press release. Code for Sustainable Homes has gone. There will be new building regs on 1st Oct with the national standards and there are some optional extras on access and water similar to code level 4. My understanding is that the optional extras can be conditioned if you have evidence they are required. I also believe that an equivalent to code level 4 can be conditioned until 1st Oct?

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

I'm also interested in this, following a meeting with a developer who claims that there are now "no Code assessors", so if we try and stick with Code 4 until 1 October, they won't be able to comply with the condition.  Our intention is to stick to current policy (Code 4) in the interim period, but I'm interested to know whether others feel that the developer has a point?
Rhian Williams, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
The BRE have released this which might be helpful to you Jane
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Thanks Rhian - yes, that's definitely helpful!
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Our understanding is that we can continue to require Code 4 equivilent energy and water standards until the zero carbon home standard comes into force in (late) 2016. However ultimately, as a matter of law, the minsterial statement is only a material consideration - it does not change either adopted policy nor the NPPF. It is a question of whether it has sufficient weight to warrant a deviation from any policy requiring the Code. We've concluded that it will do.

In terms of how we do that, we've put together conditions which refer to Part L and the water efficiency calculator into a briefing note which will shortly be on our website at or drop me an email at and I'd be happy to send you a .doc copy.

Rhian Williams, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
Great, thanks David that's really helpful - I'll drop you an email.
Jonathan Pheasant, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Advocate Posts: 158 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

Sorry to barge into this tread with a slightly different but related question.

I am confused about the situation regarding the new technical space standards and the optional access standards in the new Building Regs.

All I have read on these seems to indicate that in order to require either of these you need to justify need/consider viability and they should be underpinned by a local plan policy.

I expect there will be hardly any adopted plan policies which actually state that the authority will require the space standards to be met and similarly if you have to underpin the optional access BR standards does that mean you need an adopted policy in your plan stating that (in what circumstances) you will require either of these standards?


It seems odd that a set of technical space standards have been prepared which (I would have thought) mean that these are really the minimum acceptable space sizes for a dwelling and then you need a policy to require them? Surely they are NEEDED because the Government considers them to be the minimum standard to create a satisfactory living environment?

Anyway, in the interim I assume that you cannot require the space standards nor the access standards until you've got a policy? Gettiging an adopted policy would of course mean testing the NEED for the requirement through examination.

I'd be grateful for people's opinions on if I am interpreting this correctly. Also, if you are seeking either of these extra standards, would it be appropriate to require them on A PERCENTAGE of dwellings within a development. For example on the access standards could you have a policy which required say 30% of the dwellings to meet the higher optional standard?

Any views/suggestions welcomed!


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Hello all

If we ran some seminars on the housing standards review (with DCLG) would you come?

If so, what would be your burning question to ask/discuss?


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Yes. I'd definitely come.

I'd like to know more about the Allowable Solutions (what they will look like and when they apply) and how Local Authorities can continue to ensure high standards of sustainable development within the remits of the new Standards (e.g. when preparing policy for new Local Plans).

Rhian Williams, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
Hi Alice, yes I'd be interested in this. I have already requsted clarification on a few things from the DCLG but an answer has not been forthcoming.
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Hi Alice,


I woudl defintely come as well. This work is crucial to PHE's obejective of promoting improved public health outcomes through spatial planning.


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Hi Alice

More than happy to input from a BRE point of view if you wish, and how our work fits in the with HSR and other policy changes.



Daniel Hudson, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts

Would be very interested in a PAS event on this (in the North if possible) - We're in the early stages of a DM DPD and understanding the new world is going to be critical



Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Thanks all. Keep an eye on our website and monthly newsletter, which is where we will advertise any events that we run. Will try and remember to put details here as well. 
Daniel Hudson, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts

I would certainly like to understand the allowable solutions issue in more depth. Whilst the principle is clear, the practise is not.

On the one hand, energy efficiency is now going to be in the realm of building regs - which for the most part is a world of clear rules and standards;

On the other hand, in terms of what is paid, when it is paid, who makes sure that it is paid and what it is to be spent on, Government is doing its usual trick of citing localism and leaving LPAs to figure out the difficult questions (and then castigating them when the development industry doesn't like the results)

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards

Alice - where do we sign up for the monthly newsletter?
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Code for Sustainable Homes/Energy requirements & the Housing Standards


Here you go. If this doesn't come up as an active link you can find it on our home page