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OPP reduce house numbers

Richard Mulholland, modified 9 Years ago.

OPP reduce house numbers

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/09/14 Recent Posts

My OPP application for 28 residential single family homes was approved last week.

How do I request reduction to 20 same properties on same ground.

N.B. all indicitive layout would remain same as original wth exception that each property has larger ground area.

Do I need to submit new full application.

If new application needed does full new application fee apply.

Is full 13 week time scale for decision again required.

Richard Mulholland, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: OPP reduce house numbers

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/09/14 Recent Posts

I still hope for some advice on this matter.

Have I explained it sufficiently.

Is any more information or explanation needed to obtain replies.

Andrew Chalmers, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: OPP reduce house numbers

Advocate Posts: 169 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

The normal process of applying for reserved matters relies on the details being in accordance with the outline permission.  It also depends what level of detail has already been approved at outline stage and which details were reserved for subsequent approval.  Worth noting that if the planning authority considers that variations substantially alter the original decision, your application may be considered to be invalid and the submission of a new application may be necessary.

So best advice is to go back to the planning officer who dealt with the outline application, to confirm what has already been approved and to discuss the appropriate way forward.  If details have changed then a Full Application might be required rather than a submission of reserved matters.  Both are subject to a fee and being a major application, given the number of units, liable to the 13 week target for a decision.

Richard Mulholland, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: OPP reduce house numbers

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/09/14 Recent Posts


Thank you, your reply has helped me considerably.

I am hopeful that the LPA will not consider the request to reduce the plot numbers to "substantially alter the original application" it simply reduces the plot numbers with layout including road design, surface water and foul sewer remaining exactly as submitted and granted.

Regarding your comment on payment for new application I believe (hopeful) my new one will be a "substantially similar application".

Does the new(ish) legislation below not allow me a free repeat application:


The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England)
(Amendment) Regulations 2014

Regulation 9(2)(c) provides that where the LPA are satisfied that the new application relates to "development of the same character and description" there is a fees exemption.

Andrew Chalmers, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: OPP reduce house numbers (Answer)

Advocate Posts: 169 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

Richard I think looking at the regulations that assuming your scheme is viewed as similar, and there have to be questionmarks over that, then the fee free opportunity is probably limited to another outline.  An application for full permission is explicitly ruled out and my reading of the criteria also suggests that the fee exemption applies only to changes to already approved reserved matters.

You could certainly raise it in discussions with planners.

if you want to progress with developing the site then you need reserved matters or a full application in any if my reading is right then even if you had a free go at outline, you would still have more work to do.

Richard Mulholland, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: OPP reduce house numbers

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/09/14 Recent Posts


Thank you again.

With you advice I am now happier in my mind to talk with others and progress matters.

Again I thank you for your assistance.

