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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

New NPPF Transitional Arrangements - Stick or Twist

Former Member, modified 6 Years ago.

New NPPF Transitional Arrangements - Stick or Twist


I was wondering if someone could offer some advice. I have been working with a number of communities on neighbourhood plans. A significant proportion of them have been working very hard, front loading their plans with evidence. Nevertheless with the backdrop of Para 214 in the revised NPPF stipulating those plans who have not submitted by 24 January 2019 will be examined under the new NPPF.  Therefore for an emerging NP to meet the Basic Conditions it must be in general conformity with national policy and the district council's development plan. Does that mean several plans on the cusp of Regulation 14 consultation will have to start again with new numbers, new SEAs etc. There will be a significant fallout from the Parishes. I was wondering if anyone else has found themselves to be in a similar position and how they are intending to deal with it. 

For context the district council has started to review their local plan and will be required to issue numbers to individual settlements in the late summer 2019 when the local plan will be out for consultation.  

Any help would be welcomed. Thanks.