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Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

proportion of affordable home ownership in new housing - NPPF para 64

Former Member, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

proportion of affordable home ownership in new housing - NPPF para 64


Please can anyone help with the interpretation of the above paragraph? 

Is the proportion of affordable home ownership 10% of the total amount of housing proposed in a development or 10% of the affordable housing? Apparently there are two quite different interpretations out there. if anyone has a legal view of this, that would be particularly useful!

Thanks, Valerie 


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Former Member, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

RE: proportion of affordable home ownership in new housing - NPPF para 64

Thank you. As I didn't get a reply after I posted, I did get a legal view - which concurs with yours.