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Self Build Register

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Self Build Register

Very simply, what are planning departments required to do about self build and what are people currently doing to respond to the self build issue?


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Self Build Register

Hi Paul, as far as I'm aware the private members bill requiring local planning authorities to keep a register of people interested in self build has now received Royal Assent and is an Act, see here In summary it is 'An Act to place a duty on certain public authorities to keep a register of

individuals and associations of individuals who wish to acquire serviced plots of land to bring forward self-build and custom housebuilding projects and to
place a duty on certain public authorities to have regard to those registers in carrying out planning and other functions.'

Work is being done on the regulations required to enact it. I understand that it won't come into effect until some time early next year. 

Some local authorities have started keeping a register already - see these two for example. There are probably more.

We're still waiting to hear more detail about what authorities will have to do in terms of meeting the needs of people on the register, what changes might be needed to planning policies, keeping a register of council owned/other land available etc. It makes sense to combine the register of self-build land available to the register of brownfield land which will no date be required when the government responds to that consultation as well. 

If you can get someone to self build a starter home on brownfield land, you'll be meeting 3 government objectives in one go!

PAS will hopefully be doing some work on this. 


Planning Advisory Service

Jonathan Pheasant, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Self Build Register

Advocate Posts: 162 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

We are just setting out a form (late) to hold a register for self build/custom build.

One thing I have noticed is that there is a webiste 'Local Councils - Local Self Build Register' which allows anyone to complete the full registeration details as an individual or an association. However, I am not sure how many Councils are actually using this site to host their own register. It doesn't look like many are. It does seem to have the potential to create confusion. A prospective self builder could google 'self build register' and this site woudl come out very high on the list. The person could then actually go through the process of applying to be on the register for a specific Council by completing all of the required details. But there doesn't seem to be any obligation or commitment for the holders of this particualr register to forward the information to the relevant Council(s).

I think the regs alspo require that the Council informs the applicant whether their application has been successful or not within 28 days.

I haven't checked but I assume that a Ciuncil has to pay the company to access the data. If there are going to be multiple registers, including private ones and those held by Councils, how will it be possible to accurately assess demand and set policies?

Once a person has registered with this site they could be forgiven for thiniing that their application/needs are then held by the Council and considered in policy making but I'm not sure that this is the case?

Anyone know?


Pamela Midgley, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Self Build Register

We are not registered with the  'Local Councils - Local Self Build Register' website (do you mean I have tried to register on there for my council and was given the message that the council was not collaborating with them so was not able to proceed with registration on their website.


Jonathan Pheasant, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Self Build Register

Advocate Posts: 162 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

Hi Pamela

Yes, that is the site. I have emailed them to ask how a local authority would retrieve any data on people registered on their site for self/custom build and whether there is a cost.

I assume that you have to pay them to be affiliated and only then can you retrieve the data, which is probably why you cannot get anything.

I see this as a bit of a problem in that any Council with its own register may not be holding all interest if people have regitered with this website and therefore think that the data is automatically passed to the Council. By registering with this website you are not put onto the self build register so it is misleading to people searching for plots and means that any analysis of demand by a local authorty may be inaccurate.

Pamela Midgley, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Self Build Register

Hi Jonathan, I can't see the problem as individuals are not able to register with the website for councils which are not affiliated to them. Pam.

Jonathan Pheasant, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Self Build Register

Advocate Posts: 162 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

Sorry Pamela, I misunderstood your first message. Apologies, Understood now. I will see what the website company come back with.

